In the Sacrament of Marriage, a man and a woman come before God to make to each other a life-long commitment of exclusive love and affection, open to the bearing of children. God created Christian marriage as part of his plan for salvation, and the Catholic Church takes marriage preparation very seriously. A baptized Catholic cannot enter into a valid marriage other than in a Catholic church or with a prior dispensation to marry in the church of another faith. Permission is not granted for outdoor weddings or for weddings in spaces that are not used primarily for worship.
For Diocese of Memphis information and guidelines about Marriage Preparation, please click here.
Couples wishing to get married at St. Francis must make an appointment to see one of the priests or deacons at least 6 months before the proposed date of the wedding. For a more detailed outline of what’s required, please download our St. Francis Wedding Policy.
For more information about the Sacrament of Marriage, visit