St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church

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Social Ministries

St. Francis of Assisi offers many ministries that focus on Social Outreach and Christian Living. You are welcome to consult the following descriptions and use the gifts of your time and talent to get involved in your parish home!

Knights of Columbus - An international Catholic men’s group, the Knights promote church, family, and community through a variety of programs and activities. St. Francis of Assisi’s Timothy J. Coyle Council 9317 meets on first Mondays at 5:45pm for the Rosary followed by 6:15pm meeting in Room 108 of the Parish Life Center. For information, please contact Tim Woodard at iowaknight@gmail.com or ask any Knight. Visit the Council’s website at KofC9317.org.

Kitchen Angels – Members of the Kitchen Angels provide meals and assistance as needed to parishioners during illness or when a loved one dies. For more information or to enroll, please call (901)756-1213.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul - As the charitable arm of the church, the St. Vincent DePaul Society responds to the needs of those in the community, particularly within parish boundaries, without regard to race, color or creed.  It endeavors to meet whatever short term needs exist, such as food, clothing, shelter, medical care, assistance with utilities, or other bills. The Society sponsors a soup kitchen downtown and an Angel Tree at Christmastime. For more information, please call (901)756-1213.

Room in the Inn - Area churches serve those experiencing homelessness by offering shelter, a hot dinner, a shower, and a clean bed at the Ozanam Center (1306 Monroe) during the coldest and hottest months of the year. Donate supplies from our Wish List. Make a monetary donation here by selecting Room in the Inn under the list of ‘Second and or Misc’ collections. For more information, please call the church office at (901)756-1213.

Prison Ministry - Volunteers visit and attend Mass with the men and women in the Federal Correction Institution, as well as meet occasional special needs.  A training program is provided for interested persons. Please contact Deacon Bill Davis for more information.

Ministry to the Homeless - Twice per month, St. Francis parishioners provide a meal for The Missionaries of Charity’s women and children’s shelter. Prepare parts of the meal and deliver them to the church office, or deliver the items to the shelter on Keel Avenue, help serve, and assist with clean-up. For information or to volunteer on fourth Tuesdays, please call Irene Sabelhaus at (901)262-3533. For information or to volunteer on first Thursdays, please call Michelle Ripberger at (901)218-5593.

Prayer Shawl Ministry - Gather to pray, knit, crochet, and socialize while making prayer shawls for those facing illness, Baptismal blankets, and hats and scarves for the homeless and needy.  Meetings are the second and fourth Thursdays 10:30am in Room 111 of the Parish Life Center. For information, please call Marilyn Piccatto at (901)266-4180.

Rosary Makers Guild - Make rosaries for the parish, community, domestic and foreign missions, and for our armed forces.  New members are welcome to join us Tuesdays at 7pm in Room 111 of the Parish Life Center. For information, please call (901)756-1213.

St. Joseph Men’s Prayer Group - This group of Catholic men gather for prayer and fellowship, supporting one another in a deeper life of holiness. We meet on Saturday mornings at 6:45am in Room 111 of the Parish Life Center. For information, please call David Finkelstein at (901)751-2063.

Good Friends – A social organization of those age 50 and over, Good Friends gets together for dinner and games or a speaker. Good Friends meets for dinner on fourth Sundays, September through May at 6:30pm in Room 108 of the Parish Life Center. For more information please call Ben Meisler at (901)489-2433.