St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church

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Music Ministry

Music Ministries are an integral component of our liturgy and worship. They are a means by which we glorify God through song and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. We welcome you to become involved in the following opportunities.

Cantors assist with the leading of the sung prayer, acting as music leader, Psalm verse singer, and a general facilitator of the congregation’s worship experience at Mass. Add your voice to this important ministry with a minimal time commitment. For information about serving as a Cantor, please contact Judy Brewer at (901)230-9478.

The Traditional Choir sings at the 10:30 am Sunday Mass each week September through Pentecost, including Advent, Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter. Our music is classic in nature with four part choral singing. Chelsea Negray is the Choir Director, rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings during our season, and we welcome any new voices to join us! If you are interested in joining the Choir, please contact the Parish Office at (901)756-1213.

The St. Cecilia Funeral Choir sings only at funerals. You do not need a professional singing voice, just a desire to serve. We meet only for a short time prior to every funeral to go over the familiar hymns we will be singing that day. Not every member is available for every funeral, so we need a great pool of voices in order to create a joyful noise at each one. To become a member of this important ministry, please contact Judy Brewer (901)230-9478 or Pat Crowe (901)372-1437. We look forward to having you join us!

The Hispanic Choir leads the musical worship at our Spanish language Mass on Sundays at 2:30pm. For more information about how to get involved, please contact Roberto Gonzalez at (901)508-1359. 

El Coro Hispano participa en la misa en español los domingos a las 2:30pm. Los ensayos son los viernes en la tarde. Para mas información de como formar parte de este grupo comuniquese con Roberto Gonzalez (901)508-1359.

The Bells of St. Francis Handbell Choir is always looking for new members to ring handbells with us during the special occasions when we perform. The ability to read music is very important in this ministry.